拼音: èr táo sān shì
注音: ㄦˋ ㄊㄠˊ ㄙㄢ ㄕˋ
解释: 士:武士。春秋时齐景公将两个桃子赐给公孙接、田开疆、古冶子论功而食,三人弃桃自杀。比喻借刀杀人。
出处: 三国 蜀 诸葛亮《梁甫吟》:“一朝被谗言,二桃杀三士。”
例子: 潘飞声《秋感》诗:“迟暮仍为《梁甫吟》,二桃三士费沉吟。”
用法: 作宾语、定语、分句;比喻借刀杀人。
英语: kill somebody by underhand tricks or by schemes and plots
近义词: 二桃杀三士
Warrior: Samurai. In the spring and Autumn period, Duke Jing of Qi gave two peaches to Gongsun Jie, Tian Kaijiang and Gu Yezi, who ate on merit. The three abandoned peaches and committed suicide. It's a metaphor for killing with a knife.典故