九原可作怎么读 九原可作的意思

jiǔ yuán zuò



拼音: jiǔ yuán kě zuò

注音: ㄐ一ㄡˇ ㄩㄢˊ ㄎㄜˇ ㄗㄨㄛˋ

解释: 九原:春秋时晋国卿大夫的墓地在九原,因称墓地;作:起,兴起。设想死者再生。

出处: 《国语·晋语八》:“赵文子与叔向游于九原,曰:‘死者若可作也,吾谁与归?’”

例子: 盖晋武帝称“安得诸葛亮者而与之共治”,正使九原可作,盍亦思所以用之。(宋 陈亮《英豪录序》)

用法: 作宾语;指死而复生。

英语: The dead in the graves can resurrect.

单字解释: [九]的意思 [原]的意思 [可]的意思 [作]的意思


Jiuyuan: in the spring and Autumn period, the tomb of the Qing officials of the state of Jin was in Jiuyuan, which is called the cemetery; Work: rise, rise. Imagine the regeneration of the dead.