乃武乃文怎么读 乃武乃文的意思

nǎi nǎi wén



拼音: nǎi wǔ nǎi wén

注音: ㄋㄞˇ ㄨˇ ㄋㄞˇ ㄨㄣˊ

解释: 本用以赞誉天子之德,指其文经天地,武定祸乱。后多指人既有武功又有文德。亦作乃文乃武。

出处: 语出《书经 大禹谟》:“帝德广运,乃圣乃神,乃武乃文。”

例子: 唐·王勃《倬彼我系》:“匡嬴相刘,乃武乃文。”

用法: 作谓语、定语;指人文武双全。

近义词: 乃文乃武

单字解释: [乃]的意思 [武]的意思 [乃]的意思 [文]的意思


This is used to praise the virtue of the son of heaven, referring to his literary classics, heaven and earth, and Wuding disaster and chaos. The latter refers to people who have both martial arts and virtue. Also called Naiwen Naiwu.