东兔西乌怎么读 东兔西乌的意思




拼音: dōng tù xī wū

注音: ㄉㄨㄥ ㄊㄨˋ ㄒ一 ㄨ

解释: 兔、乌:古代神话传说中说,月亮里有玉兔,太阳里有三足金乌,所以用乌、兔代表日月。月亮东升,太阳西落。表示时光不断流逝。

出处: 宋 吴潜《瑞鹤仙》:“愁高怅远。身世事,但难准。况禁他,东兔西乌相逐,古古今今不问。”

用法: 作主语、宾语;表示时光不断流逝。

英语: moon and sun

单字解释: [东]的意思 [兔]的意思 [西]的意思 [乌]的意思


Rabbit and black: according to ancient myths and legends, there is a jade rabbit in the moon and three legged golden black in the sun, so black and rabbit are used to represent the sun and moon. The moon rises in the East and the sun sets in the West. Time goes by.