不愧屋漏怎么读 不愧屋漏的意思

kuì lòu



拼音: bù kuì wū lòu

注音: ㄅㄨˋ ㄎㄨㄟˋ ㄨ ㄌㄡˋ

解释: 愧:惭愧;屋漏:古代室内西北角安放小帐的地方。原意是虽在宗庙里,但无愧畏之心。后比喻即使在暗中也不做坏事,不起坏念头。

出处: 《诗经 大雅 抑》:“相在尔室,尚不愧于屋漏。”毛传:“西北隅谓之屋漏。”

例子: 知化则善述其事,穷神则善继其志,不愧屋漏不无忝,存心养性为匪懈。(《宋史 张载传》)

用法: 动宾式;作谓语;形容为人正直。

英语: be strictly honest under all circustance


反义词: 暗室欺心

单字解释: [不]的意思 [愧]的意思 [屋]的意思 [漏]的意思


Ashamed: ashamed; House drain: the place where the small account was placed in the northwest corner of the ancient room. The original meaning is that although it is in the ancestral temple, it is worthy of fear. The latter metaphor is that you don't do bad things or have bad ideas even in the dark.