拼音: bù wàng gōu hè
注音: ㄅㄨˋ ㄨㄤˋ ㄍㄡ ㄏㄜˋ
解释: 沟壑:山沟。念念不忘为正义而死,弃尸山沟。形容有为正义献身的思想准备。也比喻人发迹之后不忘过去贫贱的日子。
出处: 战国 邹 孟轲《孟子 滕文公下》:“志士不忘在沟壑,勇士不忘丧其元。”赵歧注:“志士守义者也,君子固穷,故常念死无棺椁没沟壑而不恨也。”
例子: 尝曰:“士求自立,当自不忘沟壑。”(清 陈康祺《燕下乡脞录》)
用法: 动宾式;作谓语、定语;形容人守信义。
英语: not to forget the bitter past after one succeeds
Gully: gully. Never forget to die for justice and abandon the body in the gully. Describe the ideological preparation for devoting oneself to justice. It is also a metaphor for people not forgetting the poor days after they become rich.典故