下车作威怎么读 下车作威的意思

xià chē zuò wēi



拼音: xià chē zuò wēi

注音: ㄒ一ㄚˋ ㄔㄜ ㄗㄨㄛˋ ㄨㄟ

解释: 原指封建时代官吏一到任,就显示威风,严办下属。后泛指一开头就向对方显示一点厉害。

出处: 《汉书·序传》:“定襄闻伯素贵,年少,自请治剧,畏其下车作威,吏民竦息。”

用法: 作谓语;指下马威。

近义词: 下马威

单字解释: [下]的意思 [车]的意思 [作]的意思 [威]的意思


It used to mean that when officials arrived in the feudal era, they showed their authority and dealt with their subordinates strictly. The latter generally refers to showing a little power to the other party at the beginning.