下乔入幽怎么读 下乔入幽的意思

xià qiáo yōu



拼音: xià qiáo rù yōu

注音: ㄒ一ㄚˋ ㄑ一ㄠˊ ㄖㄨˋ 一ㄡ

解释: 原指鸟儿从高树上下来,钻进幽深的山谷。比喻弃明从暗,或从良好的处境转入恶劣的处境。

出处: 先秦 孟轲《孟子 滕文公上》:“吾闻出于幽谷,迁于乔木者,未闻下乔木而入幽谷者。”

用法: 连动式;作谓语;指从良好的处境转入恶劣的处境。

英语: from a good circumstance to a bad one


单字解释: [下]的意思 [乔]的意思 [入]的意思 [幽]的意思


Birds hide in the mountains and valleys in winter and come out to sing in the trees in spring. It is used to describe people abandoning darkness and approaching light, or entering a good situation from a bad situation. On the contrary, it is called "Xiaqiao into the seclusion".